I rarely meet people who are happy with their looks, men and women both are insecure of their size,
whether they are too skinny, fat, out of shape, short, tall, and the list goes on. Weight loss, plastic
surgeons, and the fitness industry makes billions on the golden promise of once I look a certain way, I’m
going to be happy. Happiness is an inside job, you either love and accept yourself or you don’t. It’s time
for you to step in to your truth, look in the mirror and say, “I love and accept myself for who I truly am.”
Everyday repeat it in the morning and before bed. Even when it feels like a lie just keep repeating it until
you start to believe it. I truly believe we are all perfectly imperfect and we need to be our own best
friend. When you start truly loving yourself that is when the changes start to happen, because when you
love someone or something that’s when you give it the attention you think it deserves.
When we look at weight loss, personally I hate that terminology, I prefer When you decide to be the healthiest version of yourself, you have to look at the big picture. Almost all diets will lower the number on the scale as long as you stick with them but once you slip back into your old habits you’ll pack it back
on. I have found that diets are where good nutrition goes to die, you have to look at all the crazy fads there are and understand we are not herbivores nor carnivores, we are omnivores! The only rule is learn to stay away from packaged, processed foods. If it’s fast and cheap it’s not for me, just like relationships! Growing up in the 70’s and 80’s most of the people in my life were built like French fries and I was more of a winding road, of course I wanted to be skinny. I don’t remember a time after turning five that I wasn’t on a diet.
My mom and grandmother were obsessed with their weight and mine! We did every
plan that was out there and yet always gained it back. When I got into the health and wellness industry
it still took me years to figure what works for me. I will share with you what is working for the long run
and be as transparent as I can be.
First step find you a great holistic doctor, someone that believes in nutrition first, one that has a medical
degree so they can order all the right labs and interpret them correctly. I work with Doctor Nyree Abdool
D.O., here in Tarpon Springs, FL. If you don’t have one in your area you can work via zoom with her. You
have to see where your hormones are at, your glucose, endocrine system, and all the medical reasons
that could slow your progress down, don’t ever believe anything will stop you from being healthy, every
hurdle can be met and surpassed. Never say I can’t lose weight, your body is listening and it’ll do just
that.Instead say, “I’m becoming the healthiest version of me.”
Second, when you are not the size you want to be, you also don’t have a good relationship with food.
Food is the number one substance people abuse, we eat when we are sad, every society uses it in every
holiday, celebration, and grieving ritual. I have learned that you can celebrate with healthy foods and
you don’t need to eat or drink things that are full of sugar and gluten. Taking all the bad food and giving
it to a food bank, friend, or neighbor can help with temptation or you can do what we call loading,
before you start a new eating lifestyle eat as many calories as you can stand for two days and this helps
you with those mind tricks like, “I wish I had ate just one more brownie or man I should’ve made mac
and cheese just one last time. Usually if you consume two days straight of processed food you’re so sick
from it you will want healthy eats. If you don’t have a family member or friend that will help you stay
the course then hire a whole life coach, health coach, or a psychotherapist to help you see what your
triggers are and help you change your behavior. I only have food and friends in my life that are good for
me. If you have a partner, they have to agree to be healthy or it’s just not going to work.
Organic, I see a lot of people giving health advice and they say organic isn’t necessary there’s no proof
it’s healthier or more nutritious. Well, I started my journey in a small health food store and I managed it
for about five years. I know one thing about organic produce, the farmers who pay for the certification
are closely inspected it has stringent guidelines to make sure it only has minimal amounts of overspray
and it is cleaner from pesticides, herbicides, and chemicals. At least adhere to the dirty dozen clean
fifteen rule, google it and it will give you a list of produce you should always buy organic and a list you
can possibly skip. If you live in an area that has farmers markets buy local and get to know your farmers
they are using way less chemicals and they are not having to pick to ship long distance.
Our fat cells hold on to toxins to protect the heart, I believe that is why so many people who eat non
organic have a tougher time losing weight. When we start leaning down part of your journey has to be
doing detoxing.
Third part of becoming the best version of you is exercise, I have worked with thousands of clients and I
am surprised how many trainers are making morbidly obese individuals do hours of cardio. Stop it, this is
just putting more stress on an overly stressed body. You need to find a trainer that will personalize a
program that includes weights or strength training along with low intensity movement such as yoga,
water aerobics, and stretching. Always remember you are becoming the best version of you and the
more muscle you have the more fat you will burn. I met my trainer when he came to me as a client. He
physically was in great shape, but he was interested in looking at the health of his blood and wanted to
check for any imbalances. I was impressed that he embraced nutrition as much as exercise so that’s why
I chose Paul Saldarriaga, he wasn’t some meat head that believed you can eat anything as long as you
work out.
Now, it’s your turn look at the three areas of the journey, find a great holistic doctor, look at your labs see where your health stands with all the stuff that isn’t on a CBC panel. Complete thyroid, adrenals, sex hormones, glucose, and autoimmune markers, rule them all out, or address the imbalance. second,
food, ask yourself, where can I improve? Ask your partner to join you on this journey, cause eagles and turkeys don’t roost together. Can you be disciplined? If not hire a coach. Third, find a trainer someone that will help you build muscle not run you on a treadmill or bike all day but is educated about what each individual needs to build a lean muscular body. That’s it, in the month’s to come I’ll share recipes, workouts, how to choose vitamins, introduce you to professionals on my team, answer questions, and be transparent about health and all the dirty little secrets no one wants you to know. You are perfectly imperfect and you can be the best version of yourself, it’s up to you!